An oldman is declared dead by his odor

Because of the stinky scent of his house and his absence in the streets nine days ago, neighbors of a mexican state called Aguascalientes, paramedics declared Jose Luis González dead.

When paramedics opened the house were repelled by the bad odor and a dog, so they could only see the man underneath a table, and without reviewing it, they concluded that regarding the strong scent, the man was dead.

They called then to the crime experts and when they began to manipulate the “corpse” to make corresponding managements, the body began to move, protesting their presence in his place.

González was transferred to the “Hospital Hidalgo”, where hypothermia and dehydration signs were detected, he was admitted to the hospital and now his state of health is reported as stable, according to sources in that hospital.

Blog’s First Anniversary

Well, yesterday was this blog’s first anniversary and what a greater way to celebrate than to be “slashdotted.”

Not exactly slashdotted, but dugg, wired, kevinned, NHSed, Emergiblogged and many more. For all the people who kindly linked to my site, thank you a lot.

From Shortstats

From Google Analytics

With that ammount of traffic, my website crashed for an hour, but everything came back to normal.

I would like to thank all the readers, and specially the commentors because you are the possitive feedback.

Click on the GeoMap

Thank you for your kind support and for everything. I will keep blogging for you.

Don’t believe in what you see

Kittiwat Unarrom, a 28-years-old Thai student, bakes human being parts. Just a little detail, this parts are bread sculptures.

He said:

Of course, people were shocked and thought that I was mad when they saw the works. But once they knew the idea behind it, they understood and became interested in the work itself, instead of thinking that I am crazy. Everyone’s life is rushed nowadays, even when it comes to eating.
When we eat, we don’t think about our health or safety, we only think of our taste buds. When people see the bread, they don’t want to eat it. But when they taste it, it’s just normal bread. The lesson is don’t judge just by outer appearances.

Looks amazing to me.


Limb to crotch (updated)

Israel Sarrío arrived at the Rehabilitation Center of Levante from Hospital Peset in Valencia (Spain) on January 31st of 2004 with an amputation of the left arm 2 inches above the elbow.

Amputated ArmTrunnionrx
Click on images for large size

At 14:00hrs, the microsurgery implant began. The first maneuver consisted in lavage and sterilization of the amputated arm and its connection to the brachial artery by a silicone tube in order to revascularize it.

Later we rebuilt the humerus and repaired the brachial artery, the basilic and cephalic veins, and the three nerves of the arm.

This proccess lasted 21 hours, and the reimplantation was successful. The patient went to the Intensive Care Unit during that night and the next day, he went to a normal room.

first implant

Two days later, we found a wound infection that was seriously compromising the viability of the reimplantation. We talked to the family and they told us that the day of the accident the arm fell in a drain. This contamination was the probable cause of the unfavorable progress. The situation was critical, and we said to the family that there were two different options: reamputate the arm or try to save it by taking it into a healthy zone where it would be possible to nourish it while we cleaned the infected area.

wound infection

The idea of taking the arm to another anatomical location came by reading a similar case published by Michael Wood (Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA) in which he attached an arm in the groin. The uniqueness of our case consisted of using the procedure to rescue the limb from an infection, called a Deferred Transitory Heterotopic Implant. This was the first such case of involving an elbow.

With the agreement of the family it was decided to transfer the arm to the groin where large blood vessels are readily accessible. In 4 hours we disassembled the reconstruction performed earlier and connected the blood vessels of the arm to those of groin by means of microsurgery.

implant in dangerleg implantleg implantleg implant

The psychological impact on the patient was very important. As soon as he woke up, we told him that the arm was infected and we have to save it in other location on his body. After a couple of hours he realized that the arm was on his leg. He stayed that way for nine days with daily cleanings until it was verified that the stump was clean.

On February 12nd of 2004, we reimplanted the arm in its original place, rebuilding bone, arteries, veins, nerves, muscles and skin in a procedure of 6 hours.

replantpost replant

Afterwards, the patient was doing physically and psychologically well, happy that he have not have to lose his arm.

By this time the patient could move his elbow. From the time of the surgery, the repaired nerve functionality is growing at a speed of 1 milimeter per day. In about 6 months we hope that he will be able to move his hand and fingers.

The function which we hoped to obtain from this procedure was better than those obtained with an amputation and the prosthesis. The patient will be able to grasp objects, to perform normal life functions, such as tie his shoes, all with small orthopedic aids.

final status

The complete surgical team of the Unit of Hand and Reconstructive Surgery was involved in this operation, with Dr. Pedro Cavadas leading the team, and Dr. Navarro, Dr. Soler, Dr. Duke and Dr. Landin as assistants.


New surgical retractor – patented

A new surgical retractor that is useful in three different kinds of surgeries, will be used in 171 countries and it was developed by Angel Raul Soriano Sanchez (Mexican Ob/Gyn from the National Institute for Social Security – IMSS), was international patented.

This new surgical retractor for abdominal or vaginal surgery and can be used in gynecologic, obstetric and vaginal surgeries.

“This surgical retractor replaces the others, because its use reduces a half of time in a procedure; reduces the bleeding and hospital stay”, said its inventor.

This retractor allows better visibility and a greater space to work.

I’ll try to obtain a picture of this instrument.

Read to Believe: Woman was treated for Breast Cancer that she never had


Lynne Yurosko, a 56 years old woman, went to lumpectomy and 25 cycles of radiotherapy and she never had breast cancer.

Yurosko’s biopsy samples were switched with another woman by a terrible made by Quest Diagnostics in Garden City.
Imagine the situation of the other woman.

Quest Diagnostics; the Nassau Radiologic Group, a medical and testing center with several locations in Nassau; and four doctors.
This woman is worried about the future side effects of the radiotherapy.

She said: “You go to professionals and you trust people to do their jobs because it involves your life. I hate to go to doctors now.”

What a mistake, isn’t it?

First surgery with no gravity

zero gravity surgery zero gravity surgery

zero gravity surgery zero gravity surgery

zero gravity surgery zero gravity surgery
Click on images for large size

A french surgical team leaded by Dominique Martin has performed the first surgery in a zero-gravity flight. The patient a 46 years old male, was a volunteer and he just needed local anesthesia in the forearm.

The procedure was successful, and the chief surgeon said: “the operation went right with no complications. Now we know that a human being could be operated while on space”.

The surgical team (three surgeons and two anesthesioligists), was fixed to the floor and worked with the instruments that was fixed with magnets.

Their approval: “More than 400 people had traveled to the space, the possibilities that anyone could suffer an accident are there. With these kind of procedures, things will be easier”

National Survey for Health and Nutrition in Mexico (2006)

The 2006 National Survey for Health and Nutrition in Mexico (Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrición 2006, a.k.a. ENSANUT) revealed that among mexican adults, 70 percent have obesity or overweight.

There were not states in the Mexican Republic with smaller prevalence to 55 percent.

Campeche, Chihuahua, Durango, México City, Estado de México, Quintana Roo, Sonora, South Baja California, Tabasco and Yucatán have obesity prevalence greater than 75 percent.

This means that one of every three adolescents have overweight or obesity, wich is about 5.7 millions of adolescents.

This data is very important because obesity and overweight are risk factors to cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer.

The survey also points that about 47 percent of people with hypertension and 37 percent of people with hypercholesterolemia don’t know that they suffer this diseases.

It also adverts that the prevalence of low height in children younger than 5 years old it is alarming, affecting about 1.2 millions of children. Prevalence of anemia in this age group was 23.7% (1.8 millios of children).

As you can see, Mexico stills in the third world and I found this too disappointing.