Corpus Delicti a nice play

Corpvs Delicti

Corpus Delicti refers to crime’s body, not just to the corpse itself but to the related body of evidence.

I would love to see this play wich is a free play that uses real-life ballistig gel cadaver to explore art & science of anatom as practiced in Holland during the Age of Enlightenment, and immortalized in Rembrandt’s 1632 painting “The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulp” (one of my favorites paintings).

Tulp's dissection

In Corpus Delicti: Just Desserts, the protagonist is Dr. Nicholas Tulp (Larry Underwood), guides audiences through the taboo territory of the body’s interior, inviting them to witness the dissection of a life-sized cadaver made up of ballistic gel and vegetables as internal organs.

Ballistic cadaver

A “post-mortem” panel discussion with researchers, ethicists, artists and members of the cast will be held after the performance.

The play is produced by Local Infinities Visual Theater. I accept invitations.

Doctor’s attitude humanization

This positively affects your patients outcome.

A soon “I’m sorry”, told by the attending physician to his patient when he was mistaken in treatment or advice, could represent less sues, better patient-doctor relationship, help to avoid future mistakes and improves trust of patients in their doctors.

In the US, 98,000 people dies every year by medical mistakes. The doctor who recognizes his own mistake has fewer problems of legal issues.

I didn’t know that 17 american states had the “I’m sorry” law. This sounds very nice to me.

This is why I firmly believe that medical schools have to include more subjects about humanism.

In a study of Richard Gracely, from Michigan University, 60 postop patients went randomized assigned to receive pain killers or placebo pills. He thought that 50 percent of the patients took pain killers and the rest took placebo pills, but the truth was that all of them had placebo pills. Surprisingly, the first 30 patients had fewer paint than the rest and that was just because the possitive attitude that doctor transmitted to his patients when he prescribed them.

Omax3 Review

This is a paid review


Have you ever got a lipids profile?
A nice recommendation is to get a lipid profile by the age of 20 y.o.

If your General Practitioner found abnormalities in your lipid profile it’s probable that he will order you to modify your lifestile (exercise, diet, take a cup of red wine daily, quit smoking, take an Omega-3 supplement)

Probably you have heard about “good cholesterol” (HDL) and “bad cholesterol” (LDL). Actually, we know that the rised levels of good cholesterol are better than the low levels of bad cholesterol.

Well, this product, called Omax3 is the nicest Omega-3 supplement in the market. There are a lot of studies that support the benefits of taking Omega-3 supplements, wich includes:

  • Decreases the risk of heart attack.
  • Slowing the growth of atherosclerotic plaques.
  • Lower your triglyceride levels.
  • Decreases the risk of cardiac arrhythmias.
  • Decreases your blood pressure.
  • Improve cognition and memory.
  • Enhance your mood.
  • Increases your joint and skin health.

Omax3 is the ultra pure Omega-3 supplement and deñovers greater tjan 91% per softgel capsule (while most supplements just deliver only 30-60 percent).

This product is manufactured by highest quality standars: pharmaceutical grade, molecularly distilled, independently tested and free from contaminants.

Supplement facts

They also accept International orders. I think I’ll give it a try.

Extra information in their site: Omax3

Fallot’s Tetralogy in a 8 y.o. girl

While on his community service, my friend Dr. Víctor Hugo Roa-Castro, just diagnosed a girl with Fallot’s Tetralogy (a congenital heart disease), wich consists in the combination of a ventricular septal defect (VSD) with Pulmonary Stenosis, with the Aorta “Overriding” (sitting “astride”) the VSD and with right ventricle hypertrophy (RVH).

It’s about 10% of all types of congenital heart disease. Both sexes affected with slight male predominance. Detected weeks or months after birth. Clinical features are cyanosis from birth or developing in the first year of life caused by the lung’s inability to oxygenate sufficient blood for the system, difficulty in feeding, failure to gain weight, retarded growth and physical development, dyspnea on exertion, clubbing of the fingers and toes, and polycythemia.

Here is the clinical case:

A “previously healthy” 8 years old came to Víctor’s consult because she has been feelling with fatigue in the last 7 months and her mother states that she tought that her daughter wasn’t sick despite her blueish tones in her skin since she was born.

On the clinical exam, Victor found this:

Cyanosis in the perioral area

Central cyanosis

Central cyanosis

Cyanosis & clubbing of the fingers

Cyanosis & clubbing of the fingers

Click on the player to hear the murmur

wich was a 3rd grade systolic in the 3rd left intercostal space.

powered by ODEO

On the EKG: aQRS 150 grades, right ventricle hypertrophy, right atrial enlargement, transition V2-V3.

On the Chest X-ray: Situs solitus, cardio-thoracic index 0.6. Boot shaped heart with an upturned apex and a concave main pulmonary artery segment. Pulmonary flow appear slightly decreased.

On the Echocardiogram: Interventricular abnormal communication (restrictive type), Aorta overriding, right ventricular hypertrophy, infundibular pulmonary stenosis.

Many thanks to Dr. Víctor Hugo Roa-Castro for the case.

Scrubs Gallery

This is a paid review:

This review is about the online uniforme boutique (Scrubs Gallery), wich have the greatest scrub collection.

Within its catalogue they have a vast collection of lab coats for both man and woman (31) and men’s scrubs (lots), but the main market is for women with three different styles in solid and printed tops and three different models of pants.

One option that I find very useful is the price on-screen and the possibility of see the line-art because you can’t figure how many pockets your pant has or if it’s with drawstring or what.

They also have a size chart, for those who trying to avoid errors of sizes.

I personally contacted to the customer support service via e-mail (who answered me in 5 minutes), but they told me that unfortunately, there is no service of international orders. So I’ll have to wait until I go to USA.

Customer support service also has a toll-free number.

On-line orders are encrypted using Verisign verified SSL encryption, and they promote their products with a 30-day money back guarantee on un-opened products with no restocking fee.

I think it will be nice that they include foot wear in their catalogue.

Volkmanns ischemic contracture

The brachial artery is the major artery that transverses the antecubital fossa; injury to the brachial artery will cause radiating pain, decreased skin temperature, decreased pulses, and pallor of the distal arm and may result in Volkmann contracture.

The Volmann’s ischemic contracture is a contracture of the flexor muscles and median and ulnar nerve palsies. a long-term sequelae of compartimental syndrome and posterior elbow dislocation.

It could be prevented by early microvascular repair of brachial artery injuries.

New advertising system

This is a paid review:

Via Text Link Ads, I have found a new way of advertising, it is called ReviewMe. This great idea, it’s a blog advertising system that will allow advertisers to contact me in order to review their products, web sites or services.

Andy Hagans and Aaron Wall are the creators of this social network, conceived by Aaron in the first place (right here)

I hope a lot of advertisers want me to review their stuff. This is a way to give them feedback and not just to publicize their producs.

If you want to join, you should know that you don’t need a certain kind of plataform (WordPress, Movable Type, Blogger, etc), you just need to post the reviews that ReviewMe’s crew will ask you to write.

In few words, as Andy said:

What does ReviewMe do?

(Minus the buzzwords) Advertisers, you pay to get your stuff reviewed by bloggers. Bloggers, you get paid to review their stuff.

Congratulations to Andy and Aaron.

I did it

I haven’t written in a while because I am involved in thousands of transact that seem endless.

The Good News: I passed the exam, so I’m going to be a surgeon.

Now, the problem is not the exam itself. When you go for it, and study a lot, you can pass it, but passing the exam isn’t the last thing to do. Let me explain you this:

On September 2nd and 3rd was the exam wich consists in 600 questions of medical knowledge and 100 questions of english language understanding. Two months later (October 30th) results was published in the website of the CIFRHS. As I wrote before, it is a challenge to get into a residency program. Also, corruption reigns in this exam. O.k. I passed the exam and I’m selected to be a surgical resident.

The thing is that now, people selected have to pick a spot in an hospital of their preference. Again, corruption reigns this step. The Committee give you just one letter of your approved status and with that you have to go to ONE hospital at the same time and apply for their residency program. If that hospital don’t like you, you loose your turn and have to wait to the next round of applications.

With the earnings of 10 million dollars, they could implement a system like the “match”, why they don’t do it? Lot of people will loose their chance to get into a residency program.