Everyone have a predilection of a rare surgical procedure.
My favorite surgical procedure is the left thoracoabdominal esophagogastrectomy (proximal esophagogastrectomy with esophagogastrostomy), it is a difficult and plaintiff procedure and not too common, because of its high morbidity and mortality rates.
I have been assisting on once recently and it was nice to be there. Here is a picture of the dissected and tubulized stomach. It requires hard work and perfectly know the anatomy of the region. It is pretty challenging for all the people involved, from patient, to surgeon, anesthesiologist, etc.

What is your favorite surgery and why?
I like esophagogastrectomy, too, and have referred to it a couple of times on my blog. I prefer the two-cavity, right side approach for its easier access to the esophagus. I like any gastric surgery, for its uncommonnes nowadays, and for the fact that the stomach tends to heal no matter how you treat it (as long as you pay a little attention to circulation.) And I’ve always loved any sort of colon surgery, doing a hand-sewn anastomosis. I explained why in my book. Staples are fine, but not nearly as artful.