With a “very cheap” subscription rate of $995 (OMG!!) you can have access to Access Surgery, inside you can find this stuff:
- Surgical Videos: Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons Surgical
- Animations: Adapted from Zollinger’s Atlas of Surgical Operations, 8th Edition
- Textbook: Schwartz’s Principles of Surgery, 8th Edition
- Textbook: CURRENT Surgical Diagnosis & Treatment, 12th Edition
- Surgical Atlas: Zollinger’s Atlas of Surgical Operations, 8th Edition
- Surgical Anatomy: Skandalakis’ Surgical Anatomy
- Board Review: Surgery Review Illustrated
- Quick Answers: CURRENT Consult Surgery Table of contents (see the image below).
Special Features:
- Create your own Board Review test from Surgery Review Illustrated, then email results to your program director
- View Surgical Videos on your iPod from the Schwartz editorial team
- Look up a symptom or disease in our Differential Diagnosis (DDx) tool
- Download the free PDA diagnostic tool from CURRENT Consult Surgery
- Assess the extent of disease through Cancer Staging Tables
- Discover related Government Guidelines by clicking a pre-populated search box
- Launch a Customized Search for just videos, just images, or view full-site results
- Research medication indications, dosages, and contraindications through an integrated Drug Database provided by Gold Standard.
The site was launched on July 18th.
Will you pay for this material? (It’s a question, because I don’t)
Jon Mikel Iñarritu, M.D.