From Annals of Surgery
A randomized trial that compares (subjectively and objectively) the laparoscopic versus conventional Nissen fundoplication in 5 years.
The comparision was made with 148 (79 laparoscopic vs 69 patients who were requested to fill in a questionnarie and to undergo esophageal manometry and 24 hours pH-metry.
Results: At 5 years follow-up, 20 patients had undergone reoperation: 12 after laparoscopy (15%) and 8 after conventional (12%). There was no difference in subjective outcome, with overall satisfaction rates of 88% (lap) and 90% (conv). Total esophageal acid exposure times (pH < 4) were 2.1% +/- 0.5% and 2.0% +/- 0.6%, respectively (P = 0.21). Antisecretory medication was taken daily in 14% and 16%, respectively (P = 0.29). There was no correlation between medication use and acid exposure and indices of symptom-reflux association. No significant differences between subjective and objective results at 3 to 6 months and results obtained at 5 years after surgery were found.
It concludes that the effects of laparoscopic and conventional are sustained up to 5 years and the long-term results are comparable. A substantial minority of patients in both groups had a second antireflux operation or took antisecretory drugs, although the use of those medications did not appear to be related to abnormal esophageal acid exposure.
I think laparoscopic approach is clearly superior due to the recuded hospital days and short convalescence period.
Dr. Jon Mikel Iñarritu
It still hurts like hell afterwards even though it’s laparoscopic.
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