Cervical Cancer Vaccine (gardasil)

FDA approves the fist vaccine for cervical cancer, a week ago, the vaccine was aprooved in Mexico. With the name of Gardasil, and a cost of US$120.00/dose (2 doses to complete the treatment), I celebrate this effort against cancer.


Here in Mexico, cervical cancer is by far, the most common type of cancer (24.4%) in general population (including males). In females, again is the most common type of cancer (36%). The most common risk factor is infection from human papillomavirus (HPV).

This virus causes cervical cancer, precancerous genital lesions and genital warts; the vaccine prevents against HPV types 16, 18 (causes 70% of cervical cancer cases); 6 and 11 (causes genital warts).

Let’s celebrate this fight against cancer.

Jon Mikel Iñarritu, M.D.

11 thoughts on “Cervical Cancer Vaccine (gardasil)”

  1. in canada they are using it on people who already have HPV, they are saying there is a chance it could retrograde the virus if it is one of the strains that the vaccine covers, plus the vaccine covers more than one strain so even if the vaccine does nothing for the particular strain you do have, it will protect you from the other strains

  2. okay so I might get this vaccine but in miami its a bit more expensive than in mexico, and they have said that i need 3 dosis. how often do you get each dosis, a nurse told me that it was very strict like. For examaple lets say u take it on the 4th, then the next dosis you will have to get it extacly one month after. And the last dosis would have to be exactly 2 months after the second dosis… is that true? or how often do u get each dosis?

    Please and tahnk you.

  3. Hi Mike,
    I am very excited about this vacine, because I have PHV 16 and I have low degree SIL. I am wondering if the medicine applies for me.


  4. Hi Mike:

    The vaccine will be applied in girls and women from 9 to 26 years old. It will be available in Mexico by October.

    The approximate cost will be from $1600 pesos to $2300 pesos.

    Until now, there is no evidence nor approbation to use this vaccine in men.

    The risk of VPH infection in that (and just that) particular case (using condom) is almost null. If you have had earlier casual encouters, you could have the infection.

    The vaccine isn’t available by now.


  5. Hi! i live in Guadalajara/Mexico, Im 26years/Male, and i wish to know when this vaccine could be available here? (aprox date), and how much time its effective one treatment? for life? or need one treatment every.. when??

    If i dont know if i have the PHV, its recommended to apply a treatment? or else how could i know if i have the PHV?

    I was in a sexual relationship 5 days ago with a prostitute, using condom (my first and last), but i going to get married next month and i dont want to infect my future wife with PHV , how could i prevent that? or else, how much time could be necessary to discard any sexual disease? using condom for 5 months could be enough?

    U recomend me to apply a vaccine to my future wife to prevent PHV? if i want obtain the vaccine fast, where could i get it?

    Thank You for your reply.

  6. hehehe
    Moto Oda: I was trying to explain that cervical cancer is the leading cause of cancer (in Mexico), including those male-specific cancer (prostate) and considering all cancer types including female-specific cancer.

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