Doctor’s Day

Congratulations to all my colleagues in Mexico, because today is the celebration of Doctor’s Day.

Background & History:

On October 19 of 1833, Valentín Gómez Farías ordered the clossure of the Universidad Nacional y Pontificia and The School of Surgery. Then it inagurated on October 23 of 1833 the establishment of Medical Sciences wich then became in Facultad de Medicina of Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.

So, October 23rd is our day here in Mexico.

Other dates in other countries:

March 30 – National Doctor’s Day – USA (Anniversary of the first use of general anesthetic in surgery March 30 1842 by Dr. Crawford Long)

December 2 – Doctor’s Day – Argentina, Spain, etc. (Anniversary of the birth of the cuban Dr. Carlos Finlay, who discovered the vector of yellow fever).


Jon Mikel Iñarritu, M.D.

technorati tags: doctor’s day, UNAM, National Doctor’s Day, unbounded medicine

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